Reichian Psychotherapy, Humanistic Counselling and Shamanism in Putney, London
Practical Tips, Helplines, Support
12 Step Programs
Crisis, Psychosis, Addiction, Stress, Panic or Anxiety
A combination of personal therapy and working a 12 step program offers the support and help you need to get well. If you need free 24/7 emergency support see helplines below. It is possible to recover from addiction, trauma, anxiety or crisis but it is tough to do it alone - be courageous and reach out. Here's how.
Health Touch offers a broad range of therapies specifically tailored for you.
Practical tips if you are triggered, overwhelmed or panicking
Breathe: Take long slow, deep breaths, concentrating on your exhales.
Embody: Feel your physical body. Put your feet firmly on the floor. Notice your weight and your width.
Focus: Sharpen and focus your vision. Use your eyes to really see where you are and how you are right now in this moment.
Be Safe: Make sure you are somewhere safe - look around - are you safe right now? Notice the things that are actually in your environment right here and right now.
Notice: When these feelings come up, the past is overwhelming you.
Remember: Trauma is often present in an addictive process.
Reality check: What is true in this moment, right now. Notice that you are safe now and these are just memories or feelings, no matter how painful.
Free Emergency Help 24/7 Top
Samaritans - Someone to talk to in times of distress call - 116 123 or
NHS -Urgent mental health support
CALM - Campaign against living miserably
Shout - text 85258 24/7 help in a crisis
Mind - support in a crisis helplines
Take back control of Social Media and Gaming
"While, social media has its benefits, it has also taken over people’s relationships and is constructing their daily reality - work, weekend plans, flirting, friendship, their sense of self and belonging—all within a system that is designed to capture and monetize our attention." - Centre for Humane Technology
Centre for Humane Technology -
The Social Dilemma - Documentary exploring the human impact of social networking
Game Quitters - Gaming addiction support Is Gaming Taking over your life - Click here to find out
Parents, Student and Educators -
Support in times of Crisis Top
Anthony Fiddler - Trauma and Psychosis
Gabor Mate - A compassionate approach to addiction
Alcoholic’s Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Sexaholics Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous - for food addiction
Al-Anon - for family members
Gamblers Anonymous
CoDA - for compulsive caretakers
The Anonymous 12 Step Programs Top
These 12 Step programs are powerful free resource; there is good strong recovery to be had. Why shouldn’t it be for you?
People sometimes struggle with 12 Step programs as they don’t feel they really belong. If you suffer from an addiction, you belong. Try to listen for the similarities and not focus on the differences. Sometimes groups can focus very much on a particular drug or behaviour and if that’s not the main problem for you, you might feel you are not in the right place. But if you identify with the other group members’ concerns like fear, control, resentment and isolation, then stick around and stay open to the process. Or find another meeting that works for you.
Don’t give up!
It really can work - if you work it
The 12 Steps to Recovery Top
Attend 90 meetings in 90 days: This is difficult in some parts of the country, but there are meetings online as well as in person. Wherever possible get to a meeting in person, but make contact every day with recovery, as addiction preys on your sense of isolation.
Share at every meeting you go to: This helps dispel that feeling of isolation.
Network: Get phone numbers of other people there and use them. Call to share how you feel or to ask how the other person is feeling, arrange to meet for a coffee before or after the meeting – this can be a lifeline.
Commit to a service position: In the meeting, make sure you have responsibility so that you have a reason to go whenever you don’t want to, which is likely to be often at the beginning.
Find a sponsor: Someone the same gender as you, someone whose recovery you admire, someone who can show you how they got their recovery. Approach them and ask if they will be your sponsor. Some say yes, some don’t, but keep going and keep asking; This is your life you are fighting for.
Do the step work 1-12 : It works if you work it.
Write a plan for each week: and follow it no matter what – so if you plan a phone call or a meeting go. You don’t duck out just because you don’t feel like going any more. Your feelings will dictate your behaviour which can often leads to relapse; unless you commit and follow through
Daily affirmation: Look in the mirror, right into your eyes and let yourself know that you haven’t given up. You’re worth fighting for and today, you are going to treat yourself kindly.
Daily gratitude: Write down a few things every day in a small notebook that you feel grateful for, even if it is only a tiny bit grateful for: the sunshine, the rain, warmth, shelter, and a smile. If you felt like it you could share these at a meeting to help yourself and others feel more positive.
Find stillness and a moment of quiet: Allow your busy mind to rest even for a moment each day, just breathe and be still. All you have to do is concentrate on the sense of your breath coming out of your nose and make that your focus for 90 seconds two or three times a day. If your attention drifts to other things just notice and come back to your breath again gently, kindly without judgement or drama.
Read the literature: For a start if you haven’t read the BIG BOOK of AA then do, even if you’re not an alcoholic, try reading it. It’s got some wonderful truths in it that can be helpful and inspirational.
Abstinence: Make the decision that relapse is not an option and that something has to change. Decide what your bottom lines are, what you are going to stop doing, just for today and stick with that. When you stop using, your feelings will come up and you will need someone to talk to. So often one of the reasons people use in the first place is to block certain feelings or thoughts. Talk to your therapist, your 12 Step group or your sponsor. Connection is the antidote. Reach out.
Wanting to get away from
the pain fuels everything